About Mosaic Reform

reformlogoMosaic Reform, born out of Middlesex New Synagogue, is a new Reform Jewish Congregation, serving the populations of North West Middlesex, and South West Herts. Here, members can enjoy the traditions of our beloved Judaism in an informal and welcoming environment.

We look to engage with our members through many different projects and programmes and join with them in their journey through life cycle events – both joyous and less so. We welcome members from every strand of Judaism as well as non-Jewish partners and especially those Jews previously unaffiliated to any Synagogue.

Mosaic Reform Synagogue is supported by Rabbi Kathleen de Magitige-Middleton, and our community care co-ordinator Gay Saunders

Reform JudaismMosaic Reform is affiliated to the Movement for Reform Judaism

Mosaic Reform is custodian to one of the Czech Memorial Scrolls – find out more