
London Moonwalk

HEMS members Sue Mendoza and Sharon Grossman are part of a team of ladies training for the 14th May 2016 London Moonwalk to raise money to help cure breast cancer. This is an overnight walk covering a marathon course of over 26 miles. Please click here to sponsor Sue and Sharon’s moonwalk.

March 7, 2016

Transport to Mosaic Events

We have lots of exciting new events planned for this year, ranging from JACS to Sunday tea parties and don’t want anyone to miss out because they can’t get here.

If you are unable to link up with anyone for a lift, there is a free minicab service for all Mosaic members.

Please contact the Mosaic Office for bookings and more information

March 3, 2016

Coffee and Cake at Wembley Central Mosque

P1003984A long planned ‘Coffee & Cake’ interfaith initiative was launched on Sunday afternoon, 7th February at the Wembley Central Mosque, a joint effort with Mosaic Liberal Synagogue. It was long felt desirable by congregants from both places of worship to have regular and informal meetings with the aim of increasing understanding, respect, solidarity and harmony. The gathering was highly enjoyed and appreciated by all present and an increase in the number of participants from other faiths is hoped for in the near future. This launch also coincided with the nationwide ‘Mosque Open Day’.  Please contact Rabbi Frank Dabba Smith for further information

March 2, 2016

GAY SAUNDERS Community Care co-ordinator

gayGay was born in Manchester and after studying Sociology at Liverpool University, she qualified as a social worker in 1981. She worked for Rochdale Social Services for seven years with children and families, the elderly and people with learning and physical disabilities. After moving to London Gay worked in the adoption service at Merton Social Services before joining Norwood Child Care which later became Norwood. At Norwood Gay began working with all sections of the Jewish community and went on to set up a home based respite care scheme for children with disabilities and also helped to establish Norwood’s adoption service, which she was involved in for many years.

Gay started working for Mosaic Reform in early March 2015. Please let her know if she can be of assistance. Gay is usually at the synagogue on Mondays and Thursdays and can be contacted any time on or 020 8864 0133.

February 29, 2016

Junior Chef Max Alexander

11168452_744680598983218_7734807731694334797_nHEMS’s Max Alexander was placed this week as one of the top 8 young chefs in London, out of around 2,000 young chefs.  Max, who has done culinary demonstrations at HEMS, trained with the executive chef of the Royal Lancaster  Hotel, in their 2 AA rosette restaurant.  He attained this, after approximately 100 hours of training, along with 16 hour working days, practising for his attached dishes. Some of his dishes were selected to be placed on the “specials menu” at the Royal Lancaster.  Max said  “This experimax future 1ence has enhanced my passion for fine dining catering and I hope to become a top chef in the future”.  Max’s recipes were:  Roast Suffolk spring chicken breast, served with a  chicken leg stuffed with mushrooms on a bed of spinach, accompanied by roasted butternut squash, roasted shallots, butternut squash puree and a chicken jus.  The dessert was Jasmine poached pears served with a chocolate cremoux and a raspberry coulis.


February 23, 2016

The Giving Machine

TheGivingMachineWe know a growing number of you and your friends shop online. So Mosaic Reform has teamed up with TheGivingMachine™ to generate cash donations for us, every time you shop online … and the real beauty of it is that it won’t cost you anything apart from the extra click to go via into the online shop.

Every purchase generates a cash donation and it all adds up quickly to a significant amount. It is estimated that 1000 online shoppers ‘donating for free’ to Mosaic Reform via TheGivingMachine™ would generate around £15,000 – £20,000 a year.

You’ll find more than 100 different shops at TheGivingMachine™ including all your favourite high street names. Contact John Ashmele.  for further information and advice on creating an account. You shop, they give; it’s as simple as that.

February 19, 2016

Harrow Foodbank

foodbank-logo-Harrow-logoMosaic supports Harrow Foodbank, a multi-faith social action project providing emergency food and support to local people in crisis.  We have a collection box for food and other items in the foyer at Bessborough Road.  To find out how to help email Harrow Foodbank

Current wish list –  May  2016.   Tinned vegetables,    Tinned fruit,   Men’s toiletries, Tinned vegetable meals,    Tinned puddings,  Women’s toiletries, Tinned corned beef,    Packet puddings,   Shampoo,  Long life semi-skimmed milk,   Small Coffee,    Toothpaste,   Long life fruit juices,    Small packets sugar (500g), Nappies, Pasta Sauce,     Jam,    Washing powder/gel (small), Jars meat/fish paste,    Rice pudding / custard,   Dried potato.

(No baked beans, cereal, porridge or dried pasta at the moment – THANK YOU!)  


February 10, 2016

Mosaic member Jane Harrison silk painter exhibition

ETZ CHAYIM GALLERY, Northwood & Pinner Liberal Synagogue, 18 – 24 Oaklands Gate, Northwood, HA6 3AA.

Exhibition from January 6 – February 15, 2016, Monday to Friday from 9am – 12 noon. Please ring first before visiting on: 01923 822529. Sunday by appointment by email to Carole Kettle

February 4, 2016

Mitzvah Day – Sunday November 22nd 2015


Mitzvah Day 365 is a brilliant international day, dedicated to helping others through simple acts of kindness, goodwill and giving. These projects help to build stronger local communities and create valuable relationships between different faith groups.

Mitzvah Day takes place around Sunday November 22, 2015, and will see more than 37,000 volunteers of all faiths take part in collective, hands-on projects which make a real difference to local issues and support 150 different charities.

We have have lots of projects on this year from collecting warm, outdoor clothing to Gift Boxes for Barnados and Harrow Nature Conservation;

Outdoor Clothing Collection

There will be collection points at all synagogues to accept your unwanted outdoor coats, jackets, hats and scarves which will then be given to the East End Jewish Clothing Collection

Spit to Save a Life – all 17 to 55 year olds

Donate your saliva in order to be added to the Stem Cell Register and play your part to Delete Blood Cancer

Environmental work on Stanmore Common

We will be helping the Harrow Nature Conservation Forum do some much needed work on Stanmore Common.

Fun Activities at HaMakom

Join in the cooking, decorating and a multitude of creative arts – all for Good Causes

Barnardo’s Boxes

We will be filling boxes with gifts for the children at the Freeman Family Centre. Small gifts needed for children up to the ages of 16.

Tzedek Mitzvah Day – CDs Seed Hope

There will be boxes at all the synagogues. Please donate unwanted CDs and DVDs. These will be used to help people in Africa & India help themselves out of extreme poverty.

We need as many volunteers as possible for all these activities. All activities on Mitzvah Day will take place at 39 Bessborough Road from 9.30am.

Please advise us in advance if you wish to go to Stanmore Common for instructions.

Come along and be part of the fun!

November 12, 2015

Walking the Pennines

“Walking the Pennines” by John Ashmele My retirement bucket list had always included a trip to take in Wainwright’s coast-to-coast walk across the Pennines. I still haven’t got round to […]

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