Why Was This AGM Different From Other AGMs?

The 2019 AGM of Mosaic Jewish Community was quite a bit different. It opened with Co-chair Mark Phillips challenging the audience to find another person in the audience and discuss what would transform their Jewish life. This might be an idea, a problem, an opportunity, something we could be doing, or something we shouldn’t! It could apply across Mosaic or within their own synagogue. The challenge then was to capture the thought on one small post-it note.

Mark has collated all the post-it notes and you can read them here . Some are attributed, some anonymous. If you weren’t able to attend the AGM, we still want your ideas – please email chair@choosemosaic.org .

The approach taken at the AGM was inspired by thoughts from the Collaboratory – a network of next generation Jewish initiatives and Communities that Mosaic is affiliated to. You can find out more via our Facebook – let us know your thoughts.

There was some formal business at the AGM and we’re delighted to tell you that Tony Fineberg was re-elected Treasurer of MJC, and that Elaine Glass was elected Chief Administration Officer. Other Board appointments were confirmed as:

Interim Community Coordinator Jane Prentice
Social Action Officer Adrian Cohen
Communications & Marketing Officer Pete Maginn
Ritual Events Coordinator Joel Abrahams and Phil Austin

We still have vacancies for an Adult Education Officer and a Community Events Coordinator – please email chair@choosemosaic.org if you think you can help.

The meeting closed with an impassioned plea from Woolfie Heymann (one of the founders of Middlesex New Synagogue 60 years ago) for members of all 3 communities to involve themselves more deeply in community activities, and to broaden their commitment particularly over this time of change whilst our new home in Stanmore Hill is being built. We will be asking the synagogues to provide details of their planned activities schedule and where help is needed. In particular, Mosaic Masorti is planning 20 activities in 2020 to celebrate its 20th anniversary, so look out for more details soon

Our aim is to get as many people as possible organising activities as well as coming to them so watch this space! In the meantime, if you’re able to offer to help then please do contact us on chair@choosemosaic.org

Mark Phillips and Jeff Highfield
Co-chairs, Mosaic Jewish Community Limited


June 5, 2019