Mosaic supports Harrow Foodbank, a multi-faith social action project providing emergency food and support to local people in crisis. We have a collection box for food and other items in the foyer at Bessborough Road. To find out how to help email Harrow Foodbank
Current wish list – May 2016. Tinned vegetables, Tinned fruit, Men’s toiletries, Tinned vegetable meals, Tinned puddings, Women’s toiletries, Tinned corned beef, Packet puddings, Shampoo, Long life semi-skimmed milk, Small Coffee, Toothpaste, Long life fruit juices, Small packets sugar (500g), Nappies, Pasta Sauce, Jam, Washing powder/gel (small), Jars meat/fish paste, Rice pudding / custard, Dried potato.
(No baked beans, cereal, porridge or dried pasta at the moment – THANK YOU!)