A second interfaith ‘Coffee & Cake’ was attended by over 40 members of Wembley Central Mosque, Mosaic, and local churches on Sunday 20th March, jointly organised by Rabbi Frank Dabba Smith and Sohail Ahmed.
The initiative provides congregants from local places of worship with regular, informal meetings to increase understanding, respect, solidarity and harmony.
Joanna Phillips commented “The members of the mosque went out of their way to make us feel incredibly welcome. We bonded over some delicious food as we shared the stories of our faith journeys, finding that we had much in common with each other. I spoke with a member of the Mosque who is a recent graduate on the difficulties of incorporating religion into your life as a young adult and I could see many other Mosaic members forming connections with those from other faiths around the room. I would encourage members of our community to come along to these interfaith events as the people I met were all lovely and it’s so important, especially in the current political climate, to focus on what unites us as humans.”
Our next joint meeting will be on Sunday 17th April for the EcoPeace-Middle East Update – find out more
Please contact Rabbi Frank Dabba Smith for further information.