National Holocaust Centre – service


Join The National Holocaust Centre & Museum at Westminster Abbey for a service of celebration and rededication in our 20th year



26th June 6.30pm

To book your place at the service go to:

and join online at Eventbrite

Entrance is from 5.30 pm
Please be seated by 6.15 pm
Dress Code: Lounge Suit or Day Dress

To view the event flyer, click here: Westminster Abbey HC Flyer


The National Holocaust Centre and Museum exists to:

  • Provide a permanent memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.
  • Provide an understanding of the causes and events of the Holocaust through a range of age-appropriate exhibitions and survivor testimonies.
  • Provide programmes of learning, based on the Holocaust, that encourage personal responsibility and the promotion of fairness and justice but also challenge learners to take positive action.
May 18, 2016