Test post – block flow

This is a test News item that has been writting using the new block editor (also known as Guttenberg) in WordPress. To add some text and pictures (and to provide some context etc.) we will cut and paste from another post regarding Cancer collections.

This is column 1

This is column 2a

This is column 2

Mosaic members lead fundraising and other initiatives for a number of cancer related charities in our area.  If you’d like to know more or get involved then contact us

Norma Brier OBE is Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of StLukes Hospice.

The Chair is Dr. Gillian Schiller and Norma deputises for her and shares the load when it comes to decisions, discussions and representations which require Board involvement between Board meetings.  She also sits on the Income Generation Board which is responsible for the areas of fundraising, lottery and shops.

Norma has been involved with the Hospice for nearly 3 years and became involved out of interest in hospice work and a wish to contribute to one that was locally based. It is an inspirational service to the communities of Brent and Harrow and we are very lucky to have such a professionally excellent resource. The care given to patients of all races and religions and the sensitivity to cultural and religious needs, is exemplary.

Mark Phillips leads a team of over 50 volunteer fundraisers (including 20 Mosaic members) for StLukes and Macmillan Cancer Support at Wembley Arena.  The team has raised over £35,000 in the past two years at events ranging from Walking with Dinosaurs (which as shown didn’t entirely go to plan!), Andre Rieu, Katherine Jenkins, Michael Macintyre, 40 years of Disco, Dancing on Ice (also shown) and many more – if you can spare an occasional 2-3 hours to help then contact us

Dr Tony Selman has been fundraising for Cancer Research UK for decades and helps lead Harrow Relay for Life as well as his work as a Cancer Research UK ambassador in schools and with Government.

(picture) Dr Tony Selman has been fundraising for Cancer Research UK for decades and helps lead Harrow Relay for Life as well as his work as a Cancer Research UK ambassador in schools and with Government.

(more to follow from Tony)

Tony received a Flames of Hope award from Cancer Research UK in 2012 – the third member of Mosaic to be awarded this as Joanna Phillips and Mark also received this award in 2006 (Joanna pictured with Princess Alexandra that day)

(pic) The Solomon family helped establish Teenage Cancer Trust and have been supporting the charity for decades

more to follow

If you’d like to help with any of these charities then contact us

This is the latest in a series of articles about Mosaic members’ roles in social action / tikkun olum.  If you’d like us to feature a charity you are involved with then please contact us

December 5, 2019