Photo gallery

London Male Voice Choir @ Mosaic

On Sunday 25th February we were entertained by The London Jewish Male Choir – with a varied programme of Jewish music including Yiddish, Ladino (Judeo-Spanish), Chassidic and Renaissance music, as well as musical theatre, folk and contemporary and modern Israeli compositions.

All photos by David Pollak

Coronation Party

To celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III a party was held at Stanmore Hill and attended by over xxx people

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Coronation Party

To celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III a party was held at Stanmore Hill and attended by over xxx people

Sundry photos for photo gallery

Test Gallery

This is a test gallery, using the modula plugin

Challah Bake – Mosaic Shabbat

Hannah Glass and Max Alexander teaching the session - photo by Jane Prentice

Hannah Glass and Max Alexander teaching the session – photo by Jane Prentice

Members enjoying preparing their dough

Members enjoying preparing their dough

The Freeman family with their Challot - photo by Jane Prentice

The Freeman family with their Challot – photo by Jane Prentice

Baked Challot …ready for Mosaic Shabbat

Baked Challot …ready for Mosaic Shabbat

Succot 2016

Everyone gets to shake a Lulav! - photo by Maurice Hoffman

Everyone gets to shake a Lulav! – photo by Maurice Hoffman

Photography Group

Grafitti - photo by Vera Gellman

Grafitti – photo by Vera Gellman

Baby - photo by Ron Collins

Baby – photo by Ron Collins

Lion - photo by Michael Reik

Lion – photo by Michael Reik