Situations Vacant within Mosaic

Your community needs youWe currently have opportunities to join and lead teams in the following areas:

Activities and Events
Joining the team that plans and runs our events on festivals and Mosaic Shabbat.

Beyond Mosaic
Working in areas including inter-faith, poverty, foodbank and Israel.

Joining the team that arranges speakers and our other education programmes and events.

Communications and Marketing
“Journalists” to create articles for our magazine, website and social media.  Being part of the team that creates content for our website and social media.  Supporting production of the magazine – chasing articles and other content, proof reading.

Joining the team, arranging membership campaigns and events.

Behind the scenes
Assisting the office for a few hours a month in simple or more complicated (as you wish!) administrative tasks.

If you can help with any of the above, then please contact the office

June 14, 2016