HEMS services are traditional (with men and women seated together) and follow the Singer’s prayer book and the Hertz chumash.
In addition to our Shabbat services we hold services for all the major festivals. In particular, we enjoy lively communal Pesach Seders and Purim, Chanukah and Simchat Torah parties. We also hold regular youth services.
Our popular Friday night services are a special time for the community to get together to enjoy each others company and to share in prayer. Services take place monthly at members’ homes and are followed by an informal communal supper.
This shabbat:
Shabbat Korach
The Shabbat morning service starts at 9.30am at the Girl Guide Headquarters, Hatch End.
The Torah reading is ‘Korach’, Hertz Chumash page 638; Haftarah ‘Korach’ page 649.
The kiddush will be sponsored by Rabbi David & Ruth Soetendorp for the occasion of their 45th wedding anniversary, and their joint birthdays.