Our new home

Mosaic is seeking a new home to relocate to from our current locations of Bessborough Road, Harrow and the Girl Guide Headquarters in Hatch End.

The following is the minimum requirements agreed by Mosaic’s initial Annual General Meeting:

  • 4 or 5 concurrent religious services, up to 80 people in each service.
    (each space 60-80 square metres.)
  • Configurable for 3 concurrent services where 1 service can accommodate 220 – 250 people.
  • kiddush space for 300 people, by (quickly) reconfiguring the above, or separate space of at least 30m2.
  • Reconfigurable to hold 350 – 400 people in lecture (theatre style), 200 – 250 people for a catered event.
  • A fully equipped catering kitchen (with a separate kosher preparation area within the kitchen to Masorti standards) to prepare meals for 250 people – at least 35m2 of space.
  • A space for art, youth & other activities – either one of the spaces above or a separate dedicated space of around 50m2.
  • Storage space (60-80m2), plus lobby, cloakroom and toilet facilities to match the above uses.
  • Spaces (re-configurable) and facilities for Religion School, including space outside for use as a playground.
  • Administration office(s) for at least 3 – 5 staff plus at least a further 3 – 4 offices for Rabbis and other professional staff.
  • Onsite parking for at least 20 cars (more unless on street parking for a further 50 cars is available nearby).
  • External space to allow for a garden and events for at least 100 people to be held outside (e.g. a sukkah).

Several significant additional requirements need to be assessed and allowed for if possible:

  • Sheltered accommodation and related facilities, in conjunction with partner organisations.
  • A coffee shop, internet café, deli.. to be considered if seen as appropriate given site location
  • Sports facilities?  A nursery / nursery school?
  • On-site accommodation for a caretaker / site manager to be considered as part of above

property summary