Kashrut Policy

Please note that Mosaic’s kashrut policy is under review and that this is draft guidelines based on existing policy at Bessborough Road.

Mosaic seeks to ensure that all our members and visitors are comfortable to particpate in all services and events that we hold.  To that end our kashrut policy seeks to ensure that we provide food that is compliant with Liberal, Masorti and Reform beth din guidance.  For most events that means that we adopt Masorti beth din guidelines, however for some events and kiddushim (in particular Chavurah suppers where members bring in food prepared at home) we indicate food compliant with Masorti beth din guidance, and food compliant with Liberal / Reform beth din guidance.

Kashrut Guidelines at Bessborough Road (Liberal / Reform events and services)

All food brought into the Synagogue must be vegetarian, by which we mean no meat or poultry products. Fish with scales and fins are permitted, but not shellfish, skate, squid, monkfish, etc. Whilst cream, butter, milk and eggs are allowed, some cheeses may not be vegetarian, so please check the label. Products containing cochineal and gelatine are not permitted unless marked suitable for vegetarians.

If you wish to engage outside caterers, please ensure that they are aware of our policy and contact the Synagogue Administrator to avoid any misunderstanding.

You must ensure that food brought into the Synagogue by you or your caterer has been kept completely separate from forbidden food both at your home and by its supplier.

During Pesach, or when preparing food for use at the Synagogue during Pesach, no bread or other hametz can be brought into the Synagogue. Only Synagogue cutlery, crockery and utensils specifically labelled “Pesach” can be used. If you are in any doubt, do please seek advice from the Synagogue Administrator.

When preparing food at home for use in the Synagogue please respect these rules. If you are in any doubt whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact the Synagogue Administrator for clarification.

Mosaic Kashrut Guidelines

Under review

Sweets for Simchat Torah

We have drawn up guidelines to help ensure that non-kosher sweets are not given to children taking part in the Simchat Torah service. As a general rule, sweets should not contain Gelatine, Cochineal (E120) or any of the following additives: E422, E432-436, E441, E470-477, E481-483, E491-495, E542, E570, E572.

The following list includes suggested parev/dairy products that may be brought to shul: Mars Bars, Maltesers, Galaxy, Milky Way, Aero, Polo Mints, Rolo, Toblerone, Crunchie, Flake, Twirl, Wispa, Twix, Quality Street, Kit Kat, Heroes, Snickers and Roses Assortment.

General Food Guidelines

Please wash your hands in the basin by the Caretaker’s desk before handling food.
Please wear the disposable gloves provided for handling and preparing food, and then discard after use. Please wipe up any spillage on the floor promptly to prevent any slips.

Defrosted leftover food should never be refrozen. Any food left over from a sponsored kidush should be offered to the sponsor. Any food left over from other events may be taken home or offered to the Friendship Club or to an equally deserving good cause – if you are organising a large event then please contact the synagogue administrator to discuss whether our local homeless shelters could benefit from any leftover food.

We wish to apply, whenever practicable, advice from the Movement for Reform Judaism to buy ethically produced goods. Please bear this in mind when buying food for the Community and look for the Fair Trade labels.