Mosaic Cooks

Mosaic Cooks is a posse of ‘bakelites’ who meet occasionally in the kitchen at Bessborough Road to prepare cakes and biscuits for Shabbat, festivals and other occasions.

cook39A few years ago we decided that we were not very happy with the usual bought Kosher cakes and biscuits…and so Mosaic Cook was established. We invited shul members to come along to the kitchen at 39 Bessborough Road and participate in a ‘bake in’. Attendance has been steady since and we have worked well as team – weighing, mixing, baking, bagging and labelling for the freezer. Several gentlemen also have been regular bakers and the general atmosphere has been both fun and friendly.

Over the past year we have baked delicious cakes, biscuits, doughnuts, slab cakes and biscotti. Tasty morsels are served up at Kiddushim, other events and the “meet and great” welcome coffee before the services on Shabbat mornings. If you haven’t yet noticed or tasted the goods you may have a chance in the future! We also cooked homemade soups for the freezer for those unwell at home and these too have been welcome.

Details of the next Mosaic Cooks ‘bake in’ can be found in the calendar, and for more information contact us

For those who can’t wait until the next session, we’ve included a selection of tried and tested recipes from the group for Rosh Hashanah for you to try at home. Click on the links below for the full recipes.

Wine and Spice Honey Cake

Apple and Currant Crumble Bar