Religious services

Mosaic is a unique Jewish Community – in that we offer at least three weekly and festival services from the Liberal, Masorti and Reform traditions.

After our services we get together for joint kiddushim, and offer study sessions before or after some of our services.

Our services include:

  • Liberal weekly and Festival services
  • Masorti weekly and Festival services
  • Reform weekly and Festival services
  • Alternative services, including
    • children and family services such as Torah Tots and Shabbat Shira
    • Friday night contemplative service, a slower paced service with music, chants, group candle lighting, guided meditation, traditional liturgy and readings
    • Masorti Shabbat Shonah: A series of summer Shabbat morning services with a difference – find out more
    • Interfaith activities – such as our Friday night Shabbat service at Wembley Central Mosque;  we are very grateful that they allowed us to hold our service there
    • Friday night Rock Shabbat
    • Themed Shabbat services – the next one is for the anniversary of VE day.  In the past we have supported social action projects such as Red Nose Day for Comic Relief and Ramp up the Red for the British Heart Foundation
    • Civic services to support and enhance our links with the Boroughs of Harrow and Brent